glamour skit kan???
NUR AISYAH UMAIRA...tula name diberi oleh her parents, i.e my cousin...ATIE N her hubby, FARID...
we are happy to have you in our family!!!
glamour skit kan???
NUR AISYAH UMAIRA...tula name diberi oleh her parents, i.e my cousin...ATIE N her hubby, FARID...
we are happy to have you in our family!!!
1. Bangun tido pagi2 musti pegang enset dulu...hehehe...tatau nape..enset mesti jadi mende pertama sy pegang di permulaan hari...(sebelum kawen la..dah kawen nnt tatau lagi..:p)
2. Lepas siap2, mesti g susun jam tangan..ehehehe...lagi tatau nape...biar die berderet je kadang2 susun je lebih, tp lupe nak amik satu pakai..hikhikhikhikhik...gilos...mamai...:p
3. Pastu, dah smp ofis, br msj encik ex-bf saye [dah makan ke belum, makan ape ari ni, ari ni balik kul bape]..soklan stended...die siap2 dah stenbai jwpn..
4. Pastu, saye mesti bukak fp...tak kirala fp sape2..mesti bukak..(tp selalunye fp ko le syerah..)..and...mesti bace blog org...(nyebok je...)...pastu update blog n fp saye plak...kalo ade mase...kalo tak...senyap jela..
5. Pastu, kul 4 saye mesti pegi lepak kat surau smp kul 5...hikhikhik...bos saye mesti perasan sy selalu ilang time die wat tatau wat wat tak nampak tatau la....kuikuikui..
6. Pastu, ari2 kat klcc dlm hati nak g isetan, tp tatau nape kaki ni terus je jalan tak masuk2 pun isetan...kalo tak pikir "ARINI NAK PEGI ISETAN LA" satu ari tak sah...mesti berdetik dlm hati, tp tak pegi pun...hehehehe...mental tul..
7. Hari2 gue mesti dgr lagu ni ... KASIH BY DAYANG NURFAIZAH...taktau la nape...kalo tak dgr rase len macam...
8. Hari2 mesti kene teh kat umah punye... NO MAPLEY!!!!
9. Sebelum tido ari2 mesti pkr steps2 to make more money...(when am i going to have my own business? mata duitan tul!!!!)...pastu, mesti mengira hari utk my wedding nxt yr...lambatnyeeeeee....
10. Pastu, sebelum tido, musti gayut dgn encik ex-bf saye, wlpn siang tu ade jumpe, atau die anta saye balik, mesti nak kene gayut jugak....pastu bile dah hang off phone, msj2 kjp ngan die, pastu bace doa tido baru tido...
Pendek kate, satu ari saye tak pegang enset tabley...itu sahaja... :)
I don't know why am I thinking like this...maybe, the combination of all the set will broken up my wallet, or because i think this is an expensive thingy (for me) and i feel doubt what if it doesn't show anything?
hmmmm....just wait till the end of the week...
To a guy who is willing to pay all the debts a.k.a loans she made, the things that she wants.
(kan sayang?.. time kasih yee?:p)
I'm glad that I have one with me...and I pray everyday, so that you will always be there for me...
after 4 yrs, we engaged, and soon, exactly on the date of our 5th anniversary, i will marry him....