just to pour my feelings...
since i joined this firm, i always..err...everyday..everyday, failed to miss to come early..there are only 2 person who knows how early i come..he is the partner and the director..they know bcz they arrived earlier than me and their room is right in front of my cubicle. they knows...
but today, i feel sad..because...the BU**SH*T manager of mine, scold me just because i'm late yesterday...not today..she called my ext but nobody pickup, today she came forward and just scold me in front of my colleagues..how embarassed i am..shit you damn old manager...
i dont know why...just feeling like KOOLIE here...not kOOLIE of loads of work, but kOOLie to hear everything she wants to said..feels like to scold, feels like to angry..she does what she like..
at first, i loves working here, bcz there ain't so much work..it is only when the peak time arrived..it is soooo okay to me..and the gaji is okay with not so much work..AND i wonder, why people keeps saying, AKU BET KAU TAK LAMA KAT SINI..hoi!!!kau halau aku ker??
now i know why...the backstabbing manager are here...i know whats the ex feels when they sat at my place...simply bullshit..
Current wishlist...
item : sony psp/new ps console
item : sunflower by elizabeth arden
item : new nokia phone!!
we welcome you to our family!!!
glamour skit kan???
NUR AISYAH UMAIRA...tula name diberi oleh her parents, i.e my cousin...ATIE N her hubby, FARID...
we are happy to have you in our family!!!
Friday walk...
sue: awak tanak beli ke? amik la satu... (sue ni cam paham2 jewww :p)
dialog2 di atas telah dipendekkan dan ade jugak di exaggerate kan...hehehe...takkan saye nak type sepatah2 kan...:)
shot by syerah!!
Syerah quote from Caps :
Dalam seharian kan..kalo korang tak buat sesuatu benda tu kan macam tak lengkap je hidup.apa benda tu yer?Korang jgn la pulak citer gi keje..mkn...tido..itu semua kalo tak buat mmg le tak lengkap hidup...citer la..
1. Bangun tido pagi2 musti pegang enset dulu...hehehe...tatau nape..enset mesti jadi mende pertama sy pegang di permulaan hari...(sebelum kawen la..dah kawen nnt tatau lagi..:p)
2. Lepas siap2, mesti g susun jam tangan..ehehehe...lagi tatau nape...biar die berderet je ramai2...tp kadang2 susun je lebih, tp lupe nak amik satu pakai..hikhikhikhikhik...gilos...mamai...:p
3. Pastu, dah smp ofis, br msj encik ex-bf saye [dah makan ke belum, makan ape ari ni, ari ni balik kul bape]..soklan stended...die siap2 dah stenbai jwpn..
4. Pastu, saye mesti bukak fp...tak kirala fp sape2..mesti bukak..(tp selalunye fp ko le syerah..)..and...mesti bace blog org...(nyebok je...)...pastu update blog n fp saye plak...kalo ade mase...kalo tak...senyap jela..
5. Pastu, kul 4 saye mesti pegi lepak kat surau smp kul 5...hikhikhik...bos saye mesti perasan sy selalu ilang time nih...tp die wat tatau je...ke wat wat tak nampak tatau la....kuikuikui..
6. Pastu, ari2 kat klcc dlm hati nak g isetan, tp tatau nape kaki ni terus je jalan tak masuk2 pun isetan...kalo tak pikir "ARINI NAK PEGI ISETAN LA" satu ari tak sah...mesti berdetik dlm hati, tp tak pegi pun...hehehehe...mental tul..
7. Hari2 gue mesti dgr lagu ni ... KASIH BY DAYANG NURFAIZAH...taktau la nape...kalo tak dgr rase len macam...
8. Hari2 mesti kene teh tarik...tp kat umah punye... NO MAPLEY!!!!
9. Sebelum tido ari2 mesti pkr steps2 to make more money...(when am i going to have my own business? mata duitan tul!!!!)...pastu, mesti mengira hari utk my wedding nxt yr...lambatnyeeeeee....
10. Pastu, sebelum tido, musti gayut dgn encik ex-bf saye, wlpn siang tu ade jumpe, atau die anta saye balik, mesti nak kene gayut jugak....pastu bile dah hang off phone, msj2 kjp ngan die, pastu bace doa tido baru tido...
Pendek kate, satu ari saye tak pegang enset tabley...itu sahaja... :)
buy or not to buy????
I don't know why am I thinking like this...maybe, the combination of all the set will broken up my wallet, or because i think this is an expensive thingy (for me) and i feel doubt what if it doesn't show anything?
hmmmm....just wait till the end of the week...
all time obsession

now, i'm thinking to hunt some related to my personal growth plak...takkan nak baca novel je kan seumur hidup (i'm going to marry nxt yr..:p) and, also have to think about new rack...where should i buy and place it???hmmm..... any idea abang???maybe can i longgok it at your house??? ngeh ngeh ngeh....
to a guy.....
To a guy who knows which girl he wants.
To a guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To a guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her.
To a guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick.
To a guy who has given her flowers just because he wants to.
To a guy that said he would die for her.
To a guy that did what she wanted to do.
To a guy that cried in front of her.
To a guy that she cried in front of.
To a guy who would give their jacket up for her.
To a guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
To a guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to be able to see her for ten minutes.
To a guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what.
To a guy who told his secrets to her.
To a guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath.
To a guy that believed in her dreams.
To a guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.
To a guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
To a guy that walked her to her car.
To a guy that actually listened.
To a guy who prays that she is happy even if you are not with her.
To a guy who is willing to pay all the debts a.k.a loans she made, the things that she wants.
(kan sayang?.. time kasih yee?:p)
I'm glad that I have one with me...and I pray everyday, so that you will always be there for me...
after 4 yrs, we engaged, and soon, exactly on the date of our 5th anniversary, i will marry him....
I?m glad she is leaving...
dia adalah colleague aku yg mempunyai internal conflict yg die suka bawa merata2. ke mana sahaja die pegi, keep saying that org ni tak betul, org ni jahat, org ni salah, org ni beware...come on dude.. nobody perfect ok!!!tolongla jgn expect sume org akan memenuhi ur kehendak n hati perut. u should learn how to cope with people la..umo dah 30+ takkan nak kene ajar lagi kot.. biasala, org kat dunia ni kan macam2..paham2 jela..just do your business la..
i cant understand la, why you should envy with me la...aku cume seorang budak yg baru lepas grad dan masih mencari-cari kerja dalam bidang aku. why must you jealous with me??gaji aku pun lagi sikit dr ko..i really2 anggap ko mcm kakak aku, but u backstabbed me from behind!!!
ok takpe...i can accept the fact that u talk behind me, KUTUK-ing me..takpela...moga kau mendapat balasan yg setimpal dariNYA..aku tak kacau kau pun...even ur husband...i got mine!!
now, i heard that u're leaving..it's ok to me..that ur choice..after 8 yrs u here, u resigned..aku tak halau pun ye...aku cume tak tegor die je...(wlpn dlm islam tak galakkan tak bertegur sapa lebih dr 3 hari kan, aku tak tego die dah more than 6 mths)...
i hope, u'll be happy with ur new job..jgn la nak judge org suke hati...kita ni pun bukan nye perfect..don't expect others to be perfect too...kalo tak, sampai bile la idup kite ni akan dimusuhi dan memusuhi...ye kakak???kamu kan dah besar..fikir2la ye....
i got this new wedges...from sg wang... :D vincci je...bajet lari beli guess..:p.. suke die sebab cam ade ala2 kain songket kat dpn die tu...
nak beli kaler grey-ish tu, tp size da abis plak..tp nak jugak..tp susah nak kene ngan sume baju, tp tetap nak jugak..n saye beli jugak... :)
Happy Friendship Day!!!!
for all my besties in my life...
dengan korang ni la aku belajar macam2 tak kira la dlm aspek ape skali pun, pelajaran, keNAKALan, kePOYOan, keMATANGan, keBAIKan kpd keadaan sekeliling :D, kePONTENGan, keSHOPPINGan, keMERAYAPan n mcm2 ke-an lagik yg tak sanggup aku nak reveal kat sini...
tak sangka mase yg kt lalui dulu sama2, suka duka, sedih, assignment tak siap, project multimedia tak smpt nak buat, java yg asik ade error, system yg tunggang langgang, security yg boring nak hafal tu, cobol yg byknyeee nak type, calculus yg lecturer sgt menakutkan itu, ponteng kelas same2, berlakon tipu lecturer, kene keja ngan mamat mane ntah mase pusing2 overnight dulu, kantoi ngan warden sbb g sambut merdeka kat klcc, nangis2 kene tggu dpn melia hotel smp pagi sbb cab mahal after 12am, gadoh2 ngan salesgirl kat jj n mcm2 lagi la keje2 baik n jahat yg kt wat same2 dulu..
moment2 yg itula akan menjadi kenangan kt nnt kan...
sangat special utk kak nana, kak gee n kak tipah...kamu2 inila yg telah menjadi kakak2 yg sangat2 baik utk saya, memahami kehendak saye yg suke berdating ngan pakwe saye itu dan masalah saye sbb suke balik lmbt dan juga kerenah2 saye yg mcm2 itu....saya sangat sayang akan anda semua...rindula nak duduk same2 satu rumah cam dulu kan..
utk aishah plak, thanks sbb sudi menerima kt yg byk kerenah ini, layan kt g kedai handset berkali2 utk beli handset...teman kt g beli kasut, jadi pendengar yg setia bila kt kene lecture ngan mama, jadi teman kt utk merayap. mmg la kt penah gado kan, tp kt sayang kat awak tau....
utk raja plak, kt pun sayang awak tau...walaupun kt baru kenal...1/8/07 tepat setahun kt berkenalan ngan awak..walaupun sepatutnye kt kenal awak, sbb sbenarnye kt satu kolej dulu...same2 kt masuk keje kat ey ni..same2 kt kene kutuk ngan org bermasalah tu..same2 kt luahkan perasaan kt kan...thanks a lot sbb awak sudi jadi pendengar masalah kt, n sudi bace blog kt kat frenster... :p....kt sayang mak awak jugak tau... :)
to sulyzza plak, kawan baru ku yg dari kuching ini...thanks sbb sudi berkawan ngan kite, g makan kat microwave same2..kongsi makan brownies ngan kite..and sudi ajak kt g holiday kat kuching nnt.. :) thanks tau..anda mmg seorang adik yg cool...n...pakwe anda juga....:)
tv oh tv !!!

sebelum ni, watch movie from youtube ... ape sahaja akan ku tonton di situ... tp agaknye server ey ni selalu lembab, MIS department dah block youtube tu dr tontonan kami semua...phewwww...
pastu, aku sanggup abiskan masa aku searching for free online tv in the net..dulu.. syok tv tak yah bayar..ari2 aku tgk ria kat situ...even in the office..tp skarang, developer web tu dah suh bayar rm30 per month...tamau la aku..li topup lagi baguih... boring dah....
pastu, aku searching lagi, aku jumpe tv3, 8tv n ntv7 kat sini plak, dpt la lepas2 tensen nak tgk liontin ke amarte asi ke spongebob ke hape kat sini... pastu, start 1st july ari tu, sume tv dah tabley tgk plak...yg bole tgk ialah VOD sahaje...VOD itu adalah singkatan kepada video on demand iaitu cerita-cerita yg direkodkan utk diulang tayang..spt NONA, Edisi Siasat...wheeee...busan sungguh cerita2 itu...
sekarang ni dah bley terima hakikat yg saye tak bley tgk tv di mana2 lagik...so saye melayan perasaan tgk tv dgn keluarga tercinta kat rumah...i'm very very super fully utilized mase 5 jam di rumah itu utk menonton rancangan kegemaran saya di rumah...sekarang ni, cerita2 itu dah semakin melabuhkan tirai2 nye..mula2, KAU YG KU SYG, EMIL EMILDA, NATASHA...
semalam, HIKMAH, AKU UNTUKMU plak abis...DATIN DIARIES plak dah meleweh2 tah pape...KASIH SUCI plak, cam tak best je...kat ria plak, kul 11 gi taruk cite IDAMAN tu watpe...cite 8 tahun lepas mase memula umah aku ade astro die ulang watpe..sangat bosan... yg cite DURANNI tu plak, tgh sedap2 aku tgk si raja farah tu berlakon, skali dah tukar plak duranni tu jadi org lain, sape tah dia replace ngan raja farah tu.. spoil mood betull...takmo tgk daaa...
kat travel n living plak, skang ni kul 11 die g pasang miami ink tu watpe..tiap2 mlm ade miami ink...tgk org wat tattoo tu ape kejadah...we want jamie!!we want nigella!! we want floyd!! hehehehehe...yg kat cinemax plak, asal aku bukak je info mesti ade battlestar galactica..asal aku tekan je info tu ade cite tu...ari2 ke ade cite tu??
skarang ni daku hanya berharap pade starmovie yg memberi harapan utk hidupku tidak lebih bosan di malam minggu..kul 10 mlm tiap2 ari ahad, ade movie...tu pun nasib kalo ade cite best... atau pun tggu kat mtv sbb nak tgk mtv cribs..tp tu pun slalu terlepas :( discovery, home n health, ngeo, history channel..jgn la jadik cam2 channel lain tu ye...nnt idup aku bosan..ade astro pun tarak gune...tabley membantu menceriakan idup aku...
mlm ni nak tggu MAS KAHWIN plak kat PRIMA...nak tau cite ni best ke tak...kalo idak, aku boleh mati kebosanan kat umah tu nnt....ermmmm.. satu lagi...apesal la si astro ni pegi pasang STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN kul 6 PETANG????????tau tak cite tu best gileee nak mati???aku tgk cd die dulu kat kolej smp ponteng2 kelas...40 cd aku bantai 3 hari... tau tak 6 petang tu aku ade kat yap kwan seng lagik???tensen betul...bagila peluang utk org bekerja ni tgk tv....mlm2 cite sume bosan2 belaka tau???
ermmm...lulus ker???
then, lepas 2 bulan aku lupekan exam nih, tetibe ade IM dr kak min :
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:25:06 PM): niza dah check tak spa tu..
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:25:11 PM): result dah kuar kan..
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:25:12 PM): lulus tak..
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:25:16 PM): lum kuar lagi kak
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:25:17 PM): aaaaaaaaa
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:25:18 PM): bile?
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:25:21 PM): jap2 kt check
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:26:11 PM): akk dah check kan akk..
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:26:22 PM): dah kuar ek
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:26:25 PM): akak lulus tak?
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:26:28 PM): dia lulus..
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:26:28 PM): niza check la cepat.
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:26:33 PM): Tahniah! Anda LULUS ujian yang telah diadakan pada 29/05/2007
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:26:36 PM): yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:26:40 PM):
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:27:20 PM): tahniah..
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:27:28 PM): pasni anda hadiri interview tau..
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:27:37 PM): doa2 byk2
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:29:20 PM): aaaaaaa
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:29:22 PM): kak min
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:29:26 PM): takutnyeee interview plak
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:29:29 PM): nnt die kasi surat ek
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:29:53 PM): tp kan niza..
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:29:57 PM): aahh
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:29:59 PM): nape ek
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:30:02 PM): takut la
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:30:05 PM): ape lg lepas ni ek
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:30:18 PM): akk bukan nk menakutkan
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:30:18 PM): tp ada dulu, sppu akkdia lulus gak..
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:30:25 PM): tp tak pggil interview pun..
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:30:28 PM): aaaaaaaaaa
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:30:31 PM): nape plak ek
niza fauzi (20/07/2007 3:30:33 PM): adoiii
Kak Min (20/07/2007 3:30:50 PM): niza doa j la,k..
alhamdulillah aku lulus exam tu...tak disangka2..apela examiner tu kene tipu ngan karangan aku yg 2 m/s tu..kuikuikui..
tp, the worst thing here is, kak min ckp sepupu dia lulus gak dulu, tp tade panggilan interview pun..ermmm..tu yg aku risau sgt tu...tul ke ek???anyone here can advise me something???i'm craving to leave this company...please.....
is this me??
so, this is what i get from here http://ynr.blogthings.com/ ...
You Are a Normal Girl |
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ni mmg saye ngaku..dulu saye ade jahat2 skit...nakal la tu... :))
You Are 68% Feminist |
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You Follow Your Heart |
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Your Scent is Pumpkin Pie |
![]() Warm, comforting, and a bit old fashionedYou've got what men want - believe it or not! |
You Are 96% Happy |
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It's 70% Love and 30% Lust |
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What Your White Outfit Means |
![]() You're a natural beauty - and you never let your fashion steal the show.You have a quiet confidence that you'll look great in almost anything.While you may feel understated, men are attracted to your mystery. |
ngeh ngeh ngeh ngeh...so, abang!!! bile nak kasi saye satu gucci???dpt coach pun ok da.. :p
You Are 83% Perfectionist |
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You Are Okay With Money |
![]() You're about average with money, which means you probably don't have a lot of it.Your instincts tell you to stay out of debt and spend wisely...But you don't always listen to your instincts!With a little more effort, you could have a nice little nest egg. You just have to control your spending. |
ini betulla..sbb saye tak berapa byk duit...so saye selalu berkate...dont buy this..but, i cant resist... ;p
The Part of You That No One Sees |
![]() Underneath it all, you feel the burden of everyone's problems.Without your guidance, you fear that many people's worlds would fall apart.You like to feel in charge, even if it brings you a lot of stress. |
seems like true.... :) perasannyee...(takpela...this is my blog) :p
You are a Brainy Girl! |
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You Would Choose Love |
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You Are Ready to Get Married |
![]() You've done more than dream about the dress and the honeymoonIn fact, you spend a good deal of your time thinking about what makes a relationship workAnd from your answers, it looks like you have the skills to say "I Do" and mean itYou've dated enough, learned your fair share, and you're ready to settle down. |
and last..but not least...can't resist...i want summore!!!
Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate |
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